Thursday, October 9, 2014

Throwing Rocks

I'll bet you thought this would have something to do with people living in glass houses, right? Well, that's a subject for another time. What I'm talking about today is the way the universe, God, intuition or whatever you want to call it, communicates with us. And what happens when we don't pay attention.

I believe that there's something that we can all tap into that guides us through our lives if we just pay attention. I'm just going to call it "The Universe" here because I know that we all have different belief systems and it's not of interest to me right now to debate the existence of God. I'll leave that for someone else. What I do want to talk about is the universal phenomenon of ultimate purpose or destiny- of learning the lessons that we were meant to learn and making the impact in this life that we were meant to make. I do believe that "The Universe" speaks to us and shows us the path that we need to take- the trouble is most of us don't pay attention to the subtle ways that that it starts.

I can't remember where I originally heard the analogy (although it was probably Oprah), but it was explained something like this: The Universe speaks to you in whispers at first. It's not unlike someone throwing a small pebble at you to get your attention. If you ignore the pebbles that are being thrown, soon the messages will become more aggressive- the pebbles become bigger rocks. The impact becomes stronger and the consequences for not taking action more painful. But many of us choose to continue to ignore those rocks, even though they continue to hurt us as they strike. Soon The Universe has no choice but to knock us out with a boulder. It's unfortunate, but sometimes that's what it takes to force us into change. We cling to what is familiar until it becomes so uncomfortable that we must change for our very survival or we resist change until it is forced upon us by an outside source.

Change is scary, and most humans are reluctant to it on some level. We tend to cling to what we know, regardless as to whether or not it is beneficial to our lives or serving a purpose. Ask yourself how many times you have neglected to heed the pebbles in your life....until you were hit with that boulder. How much pain could you have avoided by listening to The Universe's messages to you? Be aware of the rocks that are being thrown, and respond before the message has to be so strong that it becomes crushing. We are all here to learn and to grow- don't make it more painful than it has to be.