Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Reluctant Prophet

Who am I to teach anyone anything?
I don't know- I guess that's what this journey is all about.
"God" says "who are you NOT to teach? You have been given a voice, a mind and many learning experiences that you are meant to share- not keep selfishly to yourself."
Yet I am afraid of my voice. I feel that I am not worthy.
And "God" says, " You are worthy because I have created you."

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dress Rehersal

How many times have you said to yourself "One of these days, I'm going to ..." or "As soon as I have enough (insert: time, money, experience or whatever) I'm going to ..."  We put off doing the things that we want to do for a more "opportune" time, only for that time to never come, but people-THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL!

We are born into this world with unlimited potential, only to squander most of it away. I know I am certainly guilty of this. I don't even want to know how many hours I waste each week on mindless pursuits such as Facebook, or watching something on television that does not really enhance my life. How much better would I play my guitar if I took that time back and put it towards practicing? Or maybe I'd actually be fluent in Spanish by now if I opened up Rosetta Stone on my iPad instead of logging on to Facebook? These are things that I say I want, and yet I find myself not putting in the effort on a daily basis because I "will get around to it later." But when IS later?

Time is the one resource that we have that is truly limited. Once an hour is gone, we will never get it back, so it is important that we become mindful of how we are spending it. Designing each day so that it moves us closer to our goals is the best way to do this. Start each day thinking about not only what you want to accomplish, but by also asking yourself WHO and WHAT you want to be. When you fantasize about your "ultimate life," what does that look like? Would you be in better shape? Would you be more focused and successful in your job? Then ask yourself what you are willing to commit to TODAY that will move you closer to that ideal.

We can waste most of our lives away by coasting through our existence. Yes, we get by, but are we living with passion? Are we being the best that we can be? Are we contributing to our world in meaningful ways? Let's make a promise to ourselves right now that we will stop wasting our precious time and start living life to its fullest! Our time on this earth is not infinite, so let's not waste anymore of it- it's curtain time!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Two by Two

Hey Singletons, do you ever feel like the loan unicorn on Noah's Ark? (Why do you think they don't exist anymore?...) It's true that we kind of live in a Two by Two world, but what I don't get is why so many people are afraid to NOT be part of a couple. Don't get me wrong, being in a fabulous relationship is great- there's nothing like being with someone that totally gets you, adores you with all your quirks, and always has your back- I'm talking about compromising your values and what you want out of your life just so you don't have to be alone. There seems to be a chronic fear of being single and I'm not sure that I understand it fully.

I'm single, and have been for years. I love the idea of love and companionship AND I also LOVE my life! I am not afraid to go to parties and events alone, in fact I often prefer it- it allows me to connect with others and not feel like I have to appease anyone else. I don't have to babysit anyone, and I am free to just be a social butterfly if that's what I want to do. I don't have to give up going somewhere because my "partner" doesn't want to go, and I get to explore my own interests without any hindrances. I love my own company just as much as I enjoy the company of others. What I appreciate the most is being able to be spontaneous. I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want with whomever I want. There's something to be said for that kind of freedom. Is it selfish? I don't think so- I think it's life affirming.

The downside of being single in a couple's world is evident though- Single travelers often have to pay a "single supplement," and seating arrangements always seem to be set up for even numbers. What I think is most difficult though is the suspicion that sometimes comes with my "single status." People that are insecure in their relationships sometimes feel threatened by single people. Honestly, we are not out there trying to steal your partners. There's no reason to whisk your husband away from me if we are engaged in a conversation- join in and let's all talk.

What I find sad is those people that have to constantly be in a relationship just so they don't have to be alone. These are the overlappers. They will stay in an unsatisfying relationship until they can find a replacement, just so they don't have to be alone. The concept of overlapping is pretty distasteful to me. Not only are you dishonoring your current partner by being on the lookout for his or her replacement, you are not giving yourself the time and space to figure out who you really are or what you really need. Being single is a wonderful opportunity for self-exploration and growth. Don't deny yourself the opportunity because you are afraid of being alone. I guarantee that you will look back on the experience as one of the best parts of your life.

Yes, we do live in a Two by Two world, and I think that we are wired to be in relationships. But don't settle for something that doesn't meet your needs out of fear. Life is a magical thing, full of adventure and excitement. Be confident in taking the time to really get to know yourself- it will ultimately make you a better partner. It's ok to be the lone unicorn on the Ark- after all, unicorns are magical creatures and so are you. Enjoy and explore your uniqueness, live your life fully and embrace all your experiences. By being centered and knowing fully who you are, you will be much more likely to make a wise choice in a partner. Don't settle for just anyone because you don't want to be alone-the stakes are too high- this is YOUR life!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Throwing Rocks

I'll bet you thought this would have something to do with people living in glass houses, right? Well, that's a subject for another time. What I'm talking about today is the way the universe, God, intuition or whatever you want to call it, communicates with us. And what happens when we don't pay attention.

I believe that there's something that we can all tap into that guides us through our lives if we just pay attention. I'm just going to call it "The Universe" here because I know that we all have different belief systems and it's not of interest to me right now to debate the existence of God. I'll leave that for someone else. What I do want to talk about is the universal phenomenon of ultimate purpose or destiny- of learning the lessons that we were meant to learn and making the impact in this life that we were meant to make. I do believe that "The Universe" speaks to us and shows us the path that we need to take- the trouble is most of us don't pay attention to the subtle ways that that it starts.

I can't remember where I originally heard the analogy (although it was probably Oprah), but it was explained something like this: The Universe speaks to you in whispers at first. It's not unlike someone throwing a small pebble at you to get your attention. If you ignore the pebbles that are being thrown, soon the messages will become more aggressive- the pebbles become bigger rocks. The impact becomes stronger and the consequences for not taking action more painful. But many of us choose to continue to ignore those rocks, even though they continue to hurt us as they strike. Soon The Universe has no choice but to knock us out with a boulder. It's unfortunate, but sometimes that's what it takes to force us into change. We cling to what is familiar until it becomes so uncomfortable that we must change for our very survival or we resist change until it is forced upon us by an outside source.

Change is scary, and most humans are reluctant to it on some level. We tend to cling to what we know, regardless as to whether or not it is beneficial to our lives or serving a purpose. Ask yourself how many times you have neglected to heed the pebbles in your life....until you were hit with that boulder. How much pain could you have avoided by listening to The Universe's messages to you? Be aware of the rocks that are being thrown, and respond before the message has to be so strong that it becomes crushing. We are all here to learn and to grow- don't make it more painful than it has to be.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Benefit of the Doubt

"She said she wanted to go out with her friends- she must be out with another guy."
"He didn't answer my text for over 4 hours! I must not be very important to him."
"When he comes home from work, he never wants to talk. He just wants to veg out in front of the TV. He doesn't love me anymore."

Any of this sound familiar?

There seems to be a lot of people out there that automatically assume the worst or apply negative meaning to the actions of others. But why? When did we stop giving each other the benefit of the doubt and start assuming the worst about people's motivations? In my experience, these assumptions are often wrong and all they do is add stress to a relationship. Aren't relationships challenging enough without heaping on extra servings of negativity? Why can't we just assume the best or at least have a neutral reaction to other people's behavior?

I've heard a couple of explanations for this type of reactive response. Now I'm not a psychologist- heck I don't even play one on TV, so I can't attest to the validity of any of these theories beyond my own experience and what I can recognize as patterns of behavior. To illustrate these theories, I will call the folks that engage in these patterns the "Baggage Handler," the "Paranoid" and the "Projector."

The Baggage Handler's story is a sad one. These poor souls are the emotionally wounded among us. They're the people that are deeply scarred from the betrayals of previous lovers, who now find it exceedingly difficult to trust. They have yet to release the pain and therefore carry around this extra baggage into subsequent relationships. The result is that the new love interest often has to pay the price for the ex's crimes. If the ex was a cheat, then any potential partner is a cheat. No one can be trusted, and all stand accused. The Baggage Handler applies the ex's bad behavior to everything that the new partner does, regardless of correlation. The falsely accused eventually gets tired of all the unnecessary drama and usually calls it quits on the relationship. The Baggage Handler often feels vindicated when this happens, since he or she felt that the new partner would never stay with them anyway.  Thus the behavior is reinforced, unfortunately to be propagated in the next relationship.

The Paranoid is the insecure person who has low self-esteem. Because of their own self-loathing, they can't really understand why anyone else would really want to be with them. They never quite feel good enough, or loved enough, and because of this insecurity, they are constantly reading negativity into every one else's behavior. The partner of the Paranoid can never just be reflective if they are quiet- they must be upset or not love them anymore, or they must be thinking about someone else. The Paranoid's need for reassurance is so extreme that the partner feels as though they can never fill the void. They feel as though they are constantly walking on a tightrope or jumping through hoops in order to convince the Paranoid of their love and loyalty. Eventually this circus act becomes so exhausting that the partner just gives up, often leaving the Paranoid in a worse state than which they found them.

The Projector is perhaps the worst of the bunch. They are manipulative and deceitful, projecting their own bad behaviors onto to those that they are involved with. A Projector is the person that is unfaithful to their partner and then accuses his or her partner of being the same. They draw from their own experiences and desires and project them onto whomever they are in a relationship with. The partner of a Projector is constantly trying to prove themselves to be honest and trustworthy, however as soon as one accusation is refuted, another one comes up. It becomes a useless battle as the Projector cannot believe that everyone is not just like them. Eventually the falsely accused tires of being on the defensive all the time and leaves the relationship.

So, what does one do when issues come up? We all want to understand someone else's motivation, particularly if we feel hurt by their behavior. But rather than apply our own meaning to it, why not just ask? So many misunderstandings can be avoided by NOT assuming that we know why people do or say the things that they do. We all have filters through which we view our world that are formed by our own experiences. But these lenses often distort, and even when we think that something appears clear to us, it doesn't always mean that it is someone else's reality. So before you apply negative meaning to someone else's behavior, take a moment and consider that you may be misinterpreting. You might save yourself from creating your own anxiety and from putting undue stress on your relationships. People that take an optimistic view of the world report much greater levels of happiness and satisfaction in their relationships. So the next time that you start letting your imagination run away with you or start applying negative meaning to someone else's behavior, stop yourself. Consider that your own point of view is just that- your own point of view. It may have nothing to do with that other person's reality. Chances are, you'll find all of your relationships improving by just giving that person the benefit of the doubt.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Playing with the Monster

When I was a little kid, I was terrified that a monster lived in my closet. He had a pale face, long fangs and sharp claws. He also looked surprisingly similar to Ronald McDonald, but that's a whole other story. Anyway, I was afraid to go into my closet because I was afraid of what lived in there. I just knew that the monster could consume me, or at least hold me hostage long enough for me to be forgotten.

Now that I've grown up, I realize that the monster never lived in my closet at all. My monster lived in my mind. Both dark places, to be sure, and both scary to explore. Unfortunately my fear remains the same- if venture in there too deeply, will I be consumed or lose myself to the outside world?

There seems to be a fear of internal exploration amongst us. Or if not fear, a generalized avoidance. We seek information from other sources, looking for advice from friends or the Internet, searching for our answers outside of ourselves. We are constantly being bombarded by outside stimuli. We keep ourselves busy with external activities and get caught up in our day to day routines, without ever tapping into our greatest resource: our own minds. Why? Do we fear the isolation that is required for quiet reflection? Or do we feel a strange void when we block out the noise of the outside world? Without all the outside stimulation we often feel lost, alone and in need of a guide. But there is no one that can guide us through the darkest recesses of our own minds. Psychologists and Philosophers try, however there is too much unexplored territory to provide us with detailed maps.

If we really let ourselves go, would we spiral out of control? Would it be a rapid decent into madness from which we would never return? Or could we somehow balance our day to day routines with an occasional retreat into our inner consciousness? Could we manage to remove the structure from our thought processes and encourage our brains to work in a way that we rarely allow- a free form method of creativity that does not follow what we have come to label as "logic?"

Most people that I know do not allow for that kind of exploration. We say that we don't have the time, or that we don't know how to meditate, or that it's just not that important. But the one thing that has endured through time is our ability to tap into something bigger than just our physical world. It defines who we are as humans. Our ability to tap into this energy is what connects us with each other through the collective unconscious. Unfortunately we let things get in the way of exploring our minds- we fear what we might find in there. So we avoid the unknown all together; keeping ourselves busy in our over-stimulated lives; doing what we are told we "should" do and never listening to our inner voice.

But what would happen if we played with that monster? Certainly it would become less threatening over time. The dark recesses of our minds do not have to be scary if we are able to refrain from judging the things that we find there. And who knows what you might stumble upon? We just might find ourselves becoming better humans, with the ability to form better connections with those around us. We could also gain the capability to solve our problems in new and exciting ways. And best of all, we would find that our unexplored mind is not really a monster at all, but the path to enlightenment.

Friday, March 2, 2012

About Time

Is Time a benevolent or cruel mistress? Time is the one commodity that we cannot earn, buy or trade. It can only be squandered or maximized.

I don't know about you, but I don't often think about Time as a finite thing- I sometimes live my life as if I had all the Time in the world. Occasionally I even find myself wishing that Time would go by faster: I can't wait for the work week to end so that I can get to the weekend or for it to be summertime again....but if my Time here on earth is limited, why would I want to fast-forward through it?

I have a huge bucket list of all the things that I want to learn, see or do before I die. That's not to say that I haven't already had extraordinary adventures- I've been fortunate enough in my life to have done more things than most people will be able to experience in a lifetime. Yes, I am greedy when it comes to living my life passionately, but sometimes I get lazy. I forget that Time moves forward regardless of whether I do or not.

In thinking about some of the things that I want to accomplish, I was struck by the realization that I am sometimes guilty of squandering away my most precious commodity. Reality, like Time, is not forgiving. I have no excuse for not achieving some of my goals yet; Time has moved forward, but I have not. Sure I could make the standard excuse "Well, I just haven't had the time," but I know that's bullshit. I have the time- we all have the same amount of hours given to us every day. I just haven't used it for that purpose. Sometimes I have wasted it doing useless things like watching television, or being a voyeur on the Internet. Sure, I can "justify" wasting time my Time by saying that I needed to do something mindless for a while, but the truth of the matter is I will never get back those hours. Was I being inspired by those activities? Did they really enhance my life? Will I be on my deathbed one day wishing I had spent more of my Time doing those things?

That's not to say that we should be over-scheduling ourselves. In fact, I believe that many of us are already hyper-stimulated, but often by the wrong things. We work long hours, over-extend ourselves by making too many commitments and exhaust all of our energy engaging in activities that do nothing to feed our souls. We are usually so sped up that when we do slow down, we shut down completely.

Time is the one thing we can control if we put our attention on it. Health and Wealth are often a matter of luck. How we choose to spend our Time is more within our control. Are you making each moment of your life matter? Are you surrounding yourself with people that inspire and delight you? Are you learning new things and exposing yourself to new experiences? Are you challenging yourself daily? Are you making a positive impact on the world and those around you?

Each moment you have right now, is one that you will never regain- are you making conscious choices about these moments? The quality of your life is defined by how you spend your Time. So isn't it about time that you started thinking about it?