Saturday, November 7, 2009

Decisions, decisions....

There are times in our lives when we are truly at the crossroads- when we are forced to chose between two paths that are often heading in completely different directions. It can be a scary, paralyzing place to be, because most of us don't want to make the wrong choice. Some of us turn outward to help us decide: we rely on the advice of our trusted friends or family members. Others seek out spiritual guidance through prayer or meditation. And then there are those that turn to the Magic 8 Ball.

I love to get the opinions of those that I trust. Sometimes discussing options with others can bring about a new perspective to a situation. Other people can serve as a surface in which to bounce things off, and as a mirror, to reflect back to you your own hopes and dreams.

I take time to reflect on my choices. I listen with my body, and pay attention to the physical sensations that I get when I ponder each opportunity. Do I feel anxiety building in me when I think of either option, or do I feel a sense of peace? What happens to my breathing- does it become shallow and labored, or does it slow and deepen? The universe works through the physical body; I just need to be aware of what I am sensing.

I also try to consider whether I have multiple options- am I only deciding between two things, or might there be other avenues to consider? It's not that I want to complicate things more than they already are, it's just that I want to make sure that I'm not missing out on a better alternative.

I then ask myself which of my choices will help me grow the most in my quest to live a healthy, emotionally stable and meaningful life. Which of my choices will help me gain wisdom? What will the "emotional climate" be like with each of these options? Which of these paths will help nourish and encourage me most on my journey through life?

The universe presents opportunities for reasons often unknown to me at the time; doors are always opening and closing for all of us. What door just swung open? Are there obstacles in the way of either choice? Sometimes obstacles are put in the way as a deterrent, a sign that I'm on the wrong track. I'm not saying that I always take the easy way, however if things seem to be naturally falling into place, that is often an indication that I am headed in the right direction. If either option is met with a lot of resistance, it may mean that the universe does not intend for that to be my path.

Lastly, I remind myself that I need to live a life of no regrets (OK, maybe more like 'as few regrets as possible'). I try to look at my choices from the perspective of ten years from now. Will I always wonder what could have been? Will I hate myself for not taking a chance? Is there a way that I can do it all? I ask myself again what I want my life to look like- what is my heart's desire? And then I ask myself what, if anything (emotionally/physically), is holding me back or making me afraid to take the leap.

Decisions are often scary and complicated, but they are how we design our life. We all have to remember that no matter what, we have the ability to change course, backtrack or make adjustments in our lives in order to become our best selves. The path lies ahead, and it's important to keep moving forward. I try not to let fear paralyze me, and I always keep in mind, that if I'm still uncertain as to which road to take, there's always the Magic 8 Ball.

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