Friday, March 2, 2012

About Time

Is Time a benevolent or cruel mistress? Time is the one commodity that we cannot earn, buy or trade. It can only be squandered or maximized.

I don't know about you, but I don't often think about Time as a finite thing- I sometimes live my life as if I had all the Time in the world. Occasionally I even find myself wishing that Time would go by faster: I can't wait for the work week to end so that I can get to the weekend or for it to be summertime again....but if my Time here on earth is limited, why would I want to fast-forward through it?

I have a huge bucket list of all the things that I want to learn, see or do before I die. That's not to say that I haven't already had extraordinary adventures- I've been fortunate enough in my life to have done more things than most people will be able to experience in a lifetime. Yes, I am greedy when it comes to living my life passionately, but sometimes I get lazy. I forget that Time moves forward regardless of whether I do or not.

In thinking about some of the things that I want to accomplish, I was struck by the realization that I am sometimes guilty of squandering away my most precious commodity. Reality, like Time, is not forgiving. I have no excuse for not achieving some of my goals yet; Time has moved forward, but I have not. Sure I could make the standard excuse "Well, I just haven't had the time," but I know that's bullshit. I have the time- we all have the same amount of hours given to us every day. I just haven't used it for that purpose. Sometimes I have wasted it doing useless things like watching television, or being a voyeur on the Internet. Sure, I can "justify" wasting time my Time by saying that I needed to do something mindless for a while, but the truth of the matter is I will never get back those hours. Was I being inspired by those activities? Did they really enhance my life? Will I be on my deathbed one day wishing I had spent more of my Time doing those things?

That's not to say that we should be over-scheduling ourselves. In fact, I believe that many of us are already hyper-stimulated, but often by the wrong things. We work long hours, over-extend ourselves by making too many commitments and exhaust all of our energy engaging in activities that do nothing to feed our souls. We are usually so sped up that when we do slow down, we shut down completely.

Time is the one thing we can control if we put our attention on it. Health and Wealth are often a matter of luck. How we choose to spend our Time is more within our control. Are you making each moment of your life matter? Are you surrounding yourself with people that inspire and delight you? Are you learning new things and exposing yourself to new experiences? Are you challenging yourself daily? Are you making a positive impact on the world and those around you?

Each moment you have right now, is one that you will never regain- are you making conscious choices about these moments? The quality of your life is defined by how you spend your Time. So isn't it about time that you started thinking about it?

1 comment:

  1. I have had many of these same thoughts. But it's a waste of time to beat yourself up about wasting time. I can offer a bit of advice, rarely taken by myself: Baby Steps. Simply move toward your goals a little each day and time will work magic for you.
    But you need a little partying along the way!
