Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Dress Rehersal

How many times have you said to yourself "One of these days, I'm going to ..." or "As soon as I have enough (insert: time, money, experience or whatever) I'm going to ..."  We put off doing the things that we want to do for a more "opportune" time, only for that time to never come, but people-THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL!

We are born into this world with unlimited potential, only to squander most of it away. I know I am certainly guilty of this. I don't even want to know how many hours I waste each week on mindless pursuits such as Facebook, or watching something on television that does not really enhance my life. How much better would I play my guitar if I took that time back and put it towards practicing? Or maybe I'd actually be fluent in Spanish by now if I opened up Rosetta Stone on my iPad instead of logging on to Facebook? These are things that I say I want, and yet I find myself not putting in the effort on a daily basis because I "will get around to it later." But when IS later?

Time is the one resource that we have that is truly limited. Once an hour is gone, we will never get it back, so it is important that we become mindful of how we are spending it. Designing each day so that it moves us closer to our goals is the best way to do this. Start each day thinking about not only what you want to accomplish, but by also asking yourself WHO and WHAT you want to be. When you fantasize about your "ultimate life," what does that look like? Would you be in better shape? Would you be more focused and successful in your job? Then ask yourself what you are willing to commit to TODAY that will move you closer to that ideal.

We can waste most of our lives away by coasting through our existence. Yes, we get by, but are we living with passion? Are we being the best that we can be? Are we contributing to our world in meaningful ways? Let's make a promise to ourselves right now that we will stop wasting our precious time and start living life to its fullest! Our time on this earth is not infinite, so let's not waste anymore of it- it's curtain time!


  1. I often feel this way! How do we build in time for the things we REALLY want to do?

  2. Sometimes the only way I can get things done that I really want to do (but somehow always put off) is to make a list. My goal everyday is to have everything checked off. It's my way of holding myself accountable and making those things that feed my soul a priority. It's so easy to squander time- I still do it all the time...but I try to remind myself that time is a finite resource. As Henry Rollins said "There is no such thing as spare time, no such thing as free time, no such thing as down time. All you got is life time. Go!"
