Monday, September 7, 2009

Beginning the Journey

Life is odd, isn't it? Sure, like most things, it has a beginning and an end, but the most interesting stuff is what goes on in between. Most beginnings are all about the same, embryo develops, mother gives birth, yada-yada. And nobody really wants to think about death, because that's just depressing. The point is, it's everything in between the beginning and the end that is supposed to mean something. The journey- the mythic adventure that we call life...

Well I'm no philosopher, nor am I a poet, and I'm not a psychologist either (although I often play one in my day job). I'm just a member of this human race that realizes that we're all in this together, whether we like it or not. No matter who you are, or what your life is about, you share commonality with others on this planet. It's our emotions, our struggles and our triumphs that bind us to each other.

I'll be commenting on what my journey is all about: the roadblocks, accidents, mishaps and great sights along the way. So come on along. Let's take a ride

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