Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crazy love

Why does love makes us so crazy?

Love can take a completely rational human being and turn him or her into a raging psychotic in less than 30 seconds. Why? Just what is it about this crazy emotion that can turn us inside out? And why do we attach ourselves to people that bring out the worst of us anyway?

I have to confess, I have engaged in immature, even psychotic behavior. I remember when I was about 5 years old and my first little boyfriend, Donald, decided that he liked my best friend better. I sat out on the curb and sobbed, threatening to "sick my dog on him." At the time, it was the worst threat that I could come up with. At 15, when I found out that my boyfriend Ricky was flirting with somebody else, I enlisted a troop of my friends and T.P.'d his house. Somehow I thought that these acts of revenge would make me feel better.

Oh, trust me, I haven't necessarily gotten any better since my youth. I have focused all kinds of energy fantasizing of revenge scenarios involving those that have broken my heart. The good news is, I try to refrain from acting them out. The operative word being "try." And no, I'm not about to go into a full confessional of my own bad behavior or give some big lecture about how revenge only hurts oneself. The truth of the matter is, revenge feels great. At least for a moment. The problem with revenge and spending a lot of emotional energy in creating revenge scenarios is that it keeps you stuck in the past, when what you really need to be doing is moving forward. Yes, you want bad things to happen to bad people, but really, if you just leave things alone and focus on your future, the universe will work things out for itself. Bad things will happen to bad people. Unfortunately, bad things also happen to good people- that's just the way the world works.

So instead of getting all crazy over lost love, just accept things for what they are: lessons learned and experiences gained. Focus on your future; your past will always be your past- no sense in it continuing to be your present. Don't let love drive you crazy, because crazy never looks good on anyone.

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